We officially have a name for our group! OnUsTRUTH is a name that Kris Strobeck (one of our tenors) came up with and I love its double meaning. The members are:
Kris Strobeck = Tenor/Lead
Shawn Hanowell = High Tenor/Lead
Me = Baritone/Vocal Percussion
Kovasky Aguiar = Bass/Vocal Percussion
Kris Shawn and I have been meeting for over a year and have been searching for a name (and other members) the entire time, but have had no luck. It's nice to finally have a real name and to be moving forward towards a goal. These guys are awesome and I love hanging and singing with them. We're still looking for another tenor/lead so I'm trying my best to make the contacts I need or if you know someone who would be interested, have them contact me.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, June 04, 2010
Fisrt Album Completed!
A few hours ago I completed the album for New Reign and I'm not sure what to think. It's been a grueling process and at times I felt like my brain was going to lose it. Hopefully this album will get out on iTunes and other places so it's more accessible to everyone. For now it will only be available to purchase from the http://www.oc.edu/performing/newreign/default.aspx site. I'm sure it will take close to a month, maybe less, for the album to be posted. The title of the album is Refuge which is an original song by one of the members. At times I feel quite happy with the way things turned out. There are so many things I wish I could fix or improve, but I'm sure I'll never be satisfied with it ever.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tracking with New Reign
So I just spent 2 weeks tracking 12 songs for the upcoming New Reign album. Lots of hours were put in, but many more are coming soon. I am currently sitting at the OKC airport ready to fly home. I've missed my family greatly and I'm so ready love on them. Next up I'll be editing like crazy then mixing the album. This group is not you're typical college a'capella group. Tons of talent and a unique sound all around. Check out this quick video I recorded with my phone while they had been working on a chorus section of Inside Out.
Monday, April 05, 2010
What is this? I'm going to blog again? If there is someone who reads this, then I want you to know that I'm excited about a group I'm a part of. We haven't nailed down a name yet, but we've been recording and I hope to have the first song completed by the end of the week. Currently we are only 3 members, but we are looking for a bass and another tenor. Shawn Hanowell, Kris Strobeck and I have a blast together. We are an all vocal group and our goal is to record 2 albums at the same time. One a concert album and the other a worship album. We want to be able to go into any church or event and be able to lead worship or do special music and a full concert. Shawn and Kris are so talented and a blessing to just be around. Once this song is completed we will be trying to get it up on iTunes and other sites to build a fan base and a little bit of money to get more arrangements. More to come really soon!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Oh my! Has it been that long?

It's been way too long since I've blogged. I guess I've been waiting for something really cool to happen to me, but the waiting game can get a bit boring. One thing I've been waiting for is to find out the possibility of moving back to Oklahoma, but we believe that its not going to happen now. It was all relying on the hope of joining up with Acappella since they are now teaming with Oklahoma Christian University. (read article here: http://blogs.oc.edu/ocnews/popular_christian_vocal_group_acappella_relocating_to_oc/)
There was the possibility of this happening since 2 of the member were pushing to have me in the group. One member wasn't sure if he was going to make the move to Oklahoma from Nashville, TN but now has made the decision. I really got my hopes up and who knows what God could do since He often likes to do things last minute or just in His own fun timing. I guess I just continue to pray for God's will to be done.
Another thing I'm excited about though is the possibility of a new group forming here in Oregon. Jason Overstreet (Founder, producer, arranger, studio engineer, and I guess you could say, brains behind the group RESCUE) asked me to manage and help run a new group. We will be more worship oriented to where we can lead churches and other worship needs plus concert material. This is quite exciting to me to combine multiple passions with music and ministry in this style and to do it with a high caliber of talent and music quality. With the right hearts and voices I believe God can do some amazing things with this group. A couple of members have been chosen already and most likely we will have 6 members. I'm not one to wait on these kind of things so I'm making a push to get the right members together and to start recording as soon as possible. I plan on keeping everyone well informed on the future and what's happening with this ministry. If you could, just say a prayer for what God's plans are with the group and its future members. Whatever God's plans are, I'm getting quite excited!
Thank you Lord for always providing. Please sent the right tools for this group and provide us all with great work ethic and a passion to serve you in all we do. I love you Lord!
Monday, May 11, 2009
7 Years
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
So yesterday I decided to really kick my health into gear and start my P90X program. I've owned the program for quite a long time, but have never truly committed myself to the long-run. I'll do many parts of the program but don't stick to all 6 days a week. Another thing I fail at the most is my eating. I might be running miles everyday, but eat whatever I want. P90X is an incredible workout. 6 days each week with each day being a different workout for close to 1 1/2 hours each day. I'm excited to see my progress through it all and hope that this discipline runs in all aspects of my life. Spiritually I hope to be committed to solid Bible reading and finding more God time. My reading has been somewhat consistent but not where it should be. I need more discipline in all aspects of life.
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