Sunday, September 23, 2007

Holy Crazy Life Batman!

School and work and New Reign and family and..... yeah, life have been so crazy lately. This weekend for example was tough cookies. Thursday I went to my classes then ate dinner and went to scope out a painting job that needed to be done before Saturday. These folks called me and asked me if I could paint a couple of rooms for them before their moving truck arrived on Saturday. So being the poor man that I am, I accepted. Big mistake! Serena, Tyson, and I all went out there to see the work and Serena helped me mask off the two rooms. Of course these rooms have the most cabinets in them than any other rooms in the house. Thursday we got the masking done and after my morning classes I set off to start my painting at about 1pm. 16 hours later I'm rushing out the door to get home so I could get cleaned up for a New Reign concert in eastern Oklahoma. We departed at 6am so we could get there and soundcheck before our 10:30am concert. (which is a whole other ballgame) We arrived back home just after 4pm and then finally at 10pm I got to go to sleep. I was out! By the way. I still didn't get the painting done when I left so my awesome and loving wife had to go out there and finish for me. She dropped off Tyson with some family friends who offered to help us out anytime. (Praise God for the Brazle's) And 4 hours later, Serena was walking out their door just as the moving company was coming in. Hopefully we won't have to do this again.

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