Sunday, March 16, 2008

Beginning of Spring Break

Well... we are in in Oregon and are having a great time with our family and friends. Tyson and his cousin Braden are sleeping in the same room.....That's not going to well. It's been a battle everytime they're supposed to sleep. So we need to figure out another place for Tyson to sleep. Friday night I had the pleasure of seeing a friend from Rescue sing in downtown Portland. His band is called Phonochrome and they are quite good.
They should be signed soon and playing all over the country. Today after church with my folks, we did lunch at Buster's Barbecue with the Sippel's. It's good to hang with Joel and his wife Sarah. Their little boy Trevor just turned 2 and is a great combo of his parents. (cute kid) I'm looking forward to the rest of this week. More great friends to visit and just more memories to make with the fam. Oh, by the way. I played the Wii for the first time. My brother-in-law has one and it's good fun.

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