Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I said, I had a bad experience.

So yesterday was a day I DO NOT want to experience again. My family and I have been battling an array of sickness this month. Different colds and flu, to ear infections. Tyson has had a double ear infection and yesterday was his last dosage of antibiotics. For some reason Tyson also yesterday got a fever that started to get bad. We took off his clothes to cool him off plus gave him some Advil to reduce the fever. Well he vomited and lost all that medicine and made a mess on his diaper. When Serena went to go change him Tyson went into a seizure. Serena yelled for me and he was shaking and then I took him and he then went into a state of looking dead. His lips were turning purple and he lied there lifeless. Luckily he was still breathing and by this time Serena was on the phone with 911. They sent out the paramedic and they helped out and explained what happened. And by this time Tyson was returning to normal. Often when a baby's fever can get high and spike out, they will go into a seizure to cool the body off and that seizure is basically disconnecting all the wires from the brain and it takes awhile for the wires to connect again. That's why he was in a state where he looked like he was lifeless. We ended up taking Tyson to the hospital ourselves and spent the rest of our day there. (Playing the have patience game.) I'm so glad that we were there and that God took care of Tyson. Since I've been fighting some sort of stomach virus I happened to be home from work and the timing was a God thing. Serena kept telling me that she was so glad I was home.

Thank you Lord for loving and blessing me. Thank you for my awesome family and for the way you always provide. Please protect my family and guide our future in you.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bumps and Bruises

It's been exciting to watch Tyson discover new things. As his motor skills are developing I can't help but get a smile on my face. This last week he's had his 5 1/2 month older cousin to show him some new tricks. Tyson has become a shadow at times around Braden trying to crawl as fast as him or walk around the coffee table.

I'm sure some of you may know or can figure out that when when you're a skateboarder or BMX rider you have to fall a few times to learn how to get full balance and control of what you're doing. My cousins were heavily into BMX riding for years. One of them even ended up going pro for a couple years. Many times I saw them with some of the nastiest scrapes and bruises for some falls they had been taking. As time went by I saw less and less. Sure it's a hard game to play without getting hurt, but practice and knowledge sure does help.

I think today was one of those days with the scrapes and bruises for Tyson. It started out this morning as we were getting ready for church. He was standing in the doorway of the sliding closet door when his uneasy legs led him to fall into the edge of the metal on the door. BOOM I heard then a nice loud cry. Right away we saw upon his forehead Tyson's first knot. The fun didn't stop there though. In the afternoon and evening he spent lots of time playing with Braden. They would stand up with the help of the coffee table and and take small steps around. Braden decided to get extra close and push Tyson over knocking him down on the edge of the table. Then later, all on Tyson's own, he fell once again into the table and against the leg of the couch. Needless to say Tyson's head will do some healing tonight.

As a Father it hurts to see my baby hurt, but I know he will do better. He will get stronger and will gain his balance. He will grow up and learn from mistakes plus learn better ways of doing things. I have a feeling my perfect Father up above has many of these same feelings with me. He sees me fall up against my head but knows I'll learn from the bumps and bruises. The awesome thing is, when we fall that Love is there to reach down and help us up.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

In Him

It's weird that I created this blog, but I really don't make the effort to blog. I love the fact that I get to share with others what's happening with my family and more importantly, some beautiful pictures of them. This time around I want to say something important to me. Something I need to tell many people personally. I'M SORRY! I'm sorry for things I've said. I'm sorry for putting you down. I'm sorry for questioning you and most of all I'm sorry for being a bad listener. Sometimes God gives us friendly reminders to do as He would do. I feel as if I've hurt so many people whom I would love to call friends with the things I've done or just the way I've been. I need to grow and to be a good listener. Not someone who thinks he can fix your problem or give some "great advice." I really don't have a clue what I'm doing in this thing called life, but maybe if I stop and take a listen. God will provide. I can do all things in Him.