Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I said, I had a bad experience.

So yesterday was a day I DO NOT want to experience again. My family and I have been battling an array of sickness this month. Different colds and flu, to ear infections. Tyson has had a double ear infection and yesterday was his last dosage of antibiotics. For some reason Tyson also yesterday got a fever that started to get bad. We took off his clothes to cool him off plus gave him some Advil to reduce the fever. Well he vomited and lost all that medicine and made a mess on his diaper. When Serena went to go change him Tyson went into a seizure. Serena yelled for me and he was shaking and then I took him and he then went into a state of looking dead. His lips were turning purple and he lied there lifeless. Luckily he was still breathing and by this time Serena was on the phone with 911. They sent out the paramedic and they helped out and explained what happened. And by this time Tyson was returning to normal. Often when a baby's fever can get high and spike out, they will go into a seizure to cool the body off and that seizure is basically disconnecting all the wires from the brain and it takes awhile for the wires to connect again. That's why he was in a state where he looked like he was lifeless. We ended up taking Tyson to the hospital ourselves and spent the rest of our day there. (Playing the have patience game.) I'm so glad that we were there and that God took care of Tyson. Since I've been fighting some sort of stomach virus I happened to be home from work and the timing was a God thing. Serena kept telling me that she was so glad I was home.

Thank you Lord for loving and blessing me. Thank you for my awesome family and for the way you always provide. Please protect my family and guide our future in you.

1 comment:

Kj said...


Oh man! Those ceasures can be a really scary thing! This is the same problem that my little cousin has. It actually took them months and lots of Doctor's visits to figure out that he just couldn't handle fevers. The last one he had I was there for and have never been more terrified.

I'm so glad that he's okay and the Doctor was able to figure it out so you can watch for it in the future. Hope you are feeling better!

Miss you guys!